Thank you Eberhards!

This message was sent to us from the Eberhard family:

300 + Emergency Homeless Back Packs are covering our Basement Floor.

I just want to thank Everyone who helped in anyway with making this possible!! 
And especially my wife Jamie & our Kids MaKenzi , Geno , Luchi , Gunnar & Sly!!! 
They are picking up the slack of there Dad not being able to Pack much!

Three Rangers Foundation -WE ARE READY with your Packs to Help our Veterans !!

Veterans Assistance Commission of Will County - We are ARE Ready to Deliver!

We Care of Grundy County Inc / @ Grundy PADs - We are ready to Deliver to you as well!!

This will be over 800 Homeless Emergency Back Packs Delivered just this year!!

So many friends that helped!!!

Thank You!!!