The Grundy Area PADS season wrapped up last week with overnight sheltering at local churches. The counseling through Pathway of Hope is still available for our guests. The weekly St. Vincent Table dinners will also continue in the community. We are so thankful for all of the support & volunteers this past season! Here are some quick numbers on what this mission accomplished in our community:
- Total Guests Served 85
- Adult Guests 76, Child Guests 6
- Disabled Guests 10, Diagnosed Mentally Ill Guests 8, Veteran Guests 3
- Total number of overnight shelter stays served 2,364
- Average stays per Guest 27.8
- Total Volunteers Helping over 300
- Total Churches Hosting Sites 4
These statistics are so much more than numbers. They are people, and love and community. And these numbers make me proud to live in Grundy County!