There are 101 children without homes in Grundy County this school year, according to the Department of Education. Because many parents cannot afford the cost of living on their own, they are forced to stay with a series of friends and family, bringing their children into overcrowded and unsafe living conditions. Other parents are staying with their children in motels or camping grounds until their money runs out or the camping season ends.
Grundy Area PADS is dedicated to providing shelter and support to the families and individuals in our community who have no safe and stable place to rest their heads at night – but we need your help! We need the partnership of local landlords to help our neighbors return to stability, and the funds to help them with the services, assistance, and material items they need to get back on their feet.
Because every child in our community needs a bed of their own and a safe place to call home. Your support helps us to make this goal a reality!