A story worth reading about this past chilly weekend in November...
"Saturday evening started off blustery – it had snowed a few really big snowflakes, which didn’t quite stick to the ground. My Co-Coordinator arrived to help me set up the Shelter. Having about a dozen guests the previous couple nights, I expected about the same number to come through the door.
First, my two first shift volunteers arrived. Seeing their eagerness and cheerful faces, guests started arriving, seeking shelter from the cold. They were greeted by these volunteers, who did their best to welcome them in. Our terrific partnership with the Morris Hospital, yielded many delicious, warm meals, along with a fantastic soup. The guests, coordinators, and volunteers sat around over the food and shared a few laughs, a few tearful stories, and heartfelt camaraderie. Where there was some tension, the ability to talk it out and share empathy over warm food and coffee made for a comfortable environment to ease the tension. By the end of the night, all was better and the guests hunkered down for a warm night’s sleep.
I am so grateful to our wonderful volunteers and to our guests for working through the issues together so we can provide a safe, warm shelter from the cold. I am so proud to be a part of the mutual respect and empathy I observed Saturday night at the PADS Shelter."
Thank you Phil Wardlow for sharing you story with us!