Sunday Night at PADS...

A look into last Sunday night at the PADS shelter...

"We had about 12 guests arrive at our Shelter Sunday night. It is located in the community room of Peace Lutheran Church, which the church congregation has graciously donated to our service.

Among our guests was an adorable toddler who entertained us with her bright eyes and cheery demeanor. This evening, one of the first shift volunteers brought BBQ sandwiches and potato chips to share. What a hit! The BBQ was delicious.

A few minutes after picking up some more warm food, graciously provided by the Morris Hospital cafeteria, Vic D. arrived with donations for breakfast. This food was really appreciated Monday morning as the guests awakened and enjoyed a warm breakfast with some coffee.

Sunday night, we had two new volunteers, one on the first shift and one on the second shift. The veteran volunteers assisting them did a splendid job of showing them the ropes. I hope each of the new volunteers enjoyed their experience assisting us in keeping our shelter open, as the nights are getting colder. Friendly interaction between the guests and the volunteers is a hallmark tradition we are trying to establish and maintain in our shelter sites.

Thanks to all who volunteer, donate food, and help with our expenses for keeping our shelters open! Every dime spent goes directly to our guests for food, personal hygiene items, and sundry clothing articles. Please feel free to join our cause and experience the giving we can provide for so many."

Thank you Phil Wardlow for sharing your story with us!